If you wish to contribute to Skeleton, please ensure you have read and understand our requirements below.
Contribution Workflow
- Select an issue or roadmap task you wish to contribute to.
- Leave a comment, join the roadmap discussion, or reach out on Discord.
- Review with core contributors to define all requirements before you write your first line of code.
- Follow our branch naming conventions described below.
- Don't be afraid to submit a draft pull request early on to ensure you're meeting our guidelines.
- Run automated tests to confirm no regressions were introduced from your changes.
- Document your new feature or update per our documentation guidelines.
- When ready, set your pull request to the "ready to review" state. Then be patient, we'll review asap.
- If your PR meets all requirements it will be merged, otherwise feedback will be provided.
Branch | Description | Pull Requests |
Represents the production branch. Pull requests sent to this branch will be rejected. | 🚫 No |
The active development branch containing bleeding edge changes. Target this branch for PRs | ✅ Yes |
Feature Branch Conventions
Prefix | Description |
Updates to the documentation pages or text copy. |
New features, components, or far-reaching updates. |
Simple and localized updates. |
Commits that address or fix issues. |
The wildcards (*) should be replaced with short and semantic descriptions that are lowercase and separated by dashes.
Third Party Dependencies
Avoid adding additional dependencies without prior consent from a core team member. Pull Requests that do not follow this recommendation will be rejected outright.
Code Linting & Formatting
All Skeleton projects utilize Prettier. To check for linting issues, run:
npm run lint
To automatically apply formatting, run:
npm run format
Automated Tests
Tests are handled via Vitest, which is similar to Jest. Ensure tests are current and passing before submitting a pull request.
npm run test
Project Structure
Path | Description |
Documentation-specific components and features, such as the theme generator. |
Features and assets distributed within the core library's and NPM package. |
Documentation pages for the public-facing documentation website, including this page. |